I've been holding small giveaways on MVOA's facebook page, so if you're on facebook please be sure to follow MVOA, but I have been holding onto the special items to giveaway for blog followers only. Dana is an original artist & her work is one of a kind, while searching for an item to giveaway I came across
The Midnight Orange I couldn't take my eyes off of this particular piece. I didn't even know the title of the piece but I knew what it was saying, before I read about it. I contacted Dana and expressed to her how much I loved her work and what I was planning to do with my order, she contacted me about 10 min later and told me she would be honored to donate this item to My Very Own Angel for this giveaway. Dana is not a mother to an angel, but she has figured out our pain by reading many stories of mothers who do suffer child loss. I am forever grateful for your kind heart and donation Dana.
This piece is called "
Never ever, let go" it's both beautiful and heartbreaking as a mother holds onto her baby that is already an angel. It hit a very soft spot on my heart the moment I saw it. Scroll down for giveaway rules:

To enter this giveaway you must 1st be a follower of this blog, then you must leave a comment about your never let go moment, and how this small statue made you feel when you first looked at it. You can gain an additional entry point by visiting
The Midnight Orange
and telling me which hand sculpted statue is your personal favorite.
This Giveaway ends October 16, 2009 at 5pm (CDT) ~ Good Luck
* Also if you have an MVOA t-shirt and you're not camera shy, please email me a photo of you wearing your MVOA t-shirt to
myveryownangel@gmail.com - Thank you
Last week when we lost our little boy Christian, we stayed with him for as long as we could. His poor little body could not take the trauma of labor. We stayed with him from 7:26 am until 1:00 in the afternoon. This was my never let go moment. When I left the hospital I went down the hallway one way and Christian went the other. The pain was unbearable. Now I surround myself with memorable items such as his 6 toed footprints and his Christening outfit. We have many pictures that we look at everyday. He is missed so very much.
When I saw the statue,I instantly started to cry. It has only been a week since Christian's passing so I am in the acute stage of grieving. The statue very moving. You can feel the mother's strong embrace. I just wish I could hold my little angel again. The statue is beautiful.
My favorite is "Sleeping" and then " I am going to watch you fly". Love them both! WOW...what wonderful work.
As I struggled to hold her in, not deliver her knowing there was no chance of her survival at 20 weeks. When my body took over and my mind shut down. The blackest moment. When my body betrayed me and killed my little girl.
This sculpture is so heartbreakingly beautiful....
"I'm going to watch you fly" is awesome!
This just tugs at my heart strings. If there is one thing you never forget its that last moment you held your child before you realized that you had to give him back. That moment is forever etched in my mind, and is my forever moment. This piece reminds me so much of how I just didnt want to let go, but knew I had to.
The last moment I had with my son Shane, I held him on my lap and put my forehead on his forehead and just closed my eyes...I wanted to remember that moment forever...what it was like to hold him. I knew I'd never get to hold him again. My arms have never felt full to this day without him here. My husband took a picture of me doing this. You can see it on my blog page for Shane - http://shanemichaeljeffery.blogspot.com. This statue is BEAUTIFUL! I've never found one that reminds me so much of that last moment I held my baby boy Shane. Thank you!!
My never let go moment is meeting my daughter for the first time. I held her as soon as she was born. It was a moment I had been waiting for and it was beautiful.
Forgot to tell you how I felt when I first saw the statue. I thought is was amazing. I picture myself holding so tight onto my Carleigh. I really wish I could hold my angel right now.
These statues are beautiful, but they make me terribly sad. The statue called "Empty"....it absolutely ripped my heart out of my chest. :o( It's only been 3 months since Noah died...it's still so very hard.
My never let go momment is when we were in the NICU and I was holding Jasper as he was slipping from this world and every time I would talk to him his heart rate would go up some so I just talked to him for as long as I could.
I visited her site and four stuck out at me Always, We were three, I'm going to watch you fly, and Never closer.
My never let go moment was at the funeral home during our private family visitation. It was just me, my husband, and my son. All I could do was keep kissing her and holding her. I didn't want to leave because I knew it would be the last time I got to see her and hold her. It was my moment to never let go. I held on so tight to her little hand and cried. I wish I had more moments where I didn't have to ever let go.
When I first say this statue I felt tears come to my eyes. It is so beautiful. It really depicts a mother holding on forever.
My favorite statues are I'm Sill here and I'm going to watch you fly. They are so beautiful!
Today, as I was finishing my most recent angel baby's web site. I will NEVER forget any of them!
beautiful.. my never let go moment is something I actually blogged about the other day. I was fortunate to have my daughter with us on earth for 8 months and 29 days.. My never let go moment was at her funeral.. I leaned down in her tiny casket to kiss her sweet head, as I've done a million times before.. and I couldn't move..I knew she was in Heaven with Jesus, but my heart couldn't be convinced.. I'll never forget that moment, the pain and sheer fright of going on without her.. anyhow, that is my never let go moment..
I am so torn about my never let go moment. It was at the wake. They gave us some time to be with Lukas. I didn't want that time to end. I just want to stay there with him but I knew I also that there were people there who had come to be with us. I wanted to continue to look at my little boy and never forget that beautiful face.
I was touched by the I'm still here sculpture. To know that Lukas is with me despite not being able to see him has helped.
Wow when i first saw the sculpture i didnt notice the wings but then i did and it was so sad. All i can think of is seperating myself from my daughter Hayden who passed last year. We had already spent so much time with her and I was being discharged from the hospital. I just wanted to run out those doors and take her. Shes mine I wanted her forever. I love the never let go and you make me gleam..so torn!
This is a beautiful piece! I just had to say thank you for sharing it. I contacted Dana right away when I saw this to order a special one for my sweet angels.
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